Raspberries are a delicious fruit consisting of many small drupes, nearly spherical or ovoid, 1-1.2 cm in diameter, red, densely pubescent. The taste of raspberries is sweet and sour. If you have indigestion, you can eat some raspberries.

In addition, raspberries also have the effect of beauty and beauty. If women take it for a long time, it can also resist oxidation, beautify the skin, and delay the aging of cells. Here are some delicious raspberries for you.

1. Raspberry ice cream

The preparation materials are raspberries, eggs, whipped cream, white sugar.First, take two eggs, leaving only the yolks in a bowl. Next, add an appropriate amount of sugar and water, stir well, and then heat over water. Third, use an egg beater to quickly stir, beat until the egg batter is viscous, the color becomes lighter and the volume expands, add whipped cream and sugar and continue to beat. Fourth, wash the raspberries and crush them, add them to the bowl and mix with the egg mixture. Finally, put the semi-finished products in 5 into the container and freeze them, take them out every 1 hour and beat them with an egg beater, beat 3 -5 times is enough, the more times you beat, the more fluffy the finished product is. The finished product is then frozen.

2. Yogurt raspberries

Yogurt goes well with fruit. First, prepare the raspberries, wash the raspberries, then put the raspberries in a bowl, pour the yogurt into the bowl, stir well, and serve.

3. Raspberry jam

The jam of raspberries is delicious with toast and bread, and the method is relatively simple. First, clean the raspberries to remove the seeds of the raspberries. Then, grind the raspberries in a raspberry blender. Wait for the raspberries to be beaten, turn on the fire, pour the raspberries and sugar into the pot and cook, keep stirring, and add other fruit juices. Once the raspberries have cooled, pour into a clean airtight jar without oil.