Where in the world has the most beautiful starry sky? Due to serious commercialization, many cities can no longer see the beautiful starry sky, but there are still many places in the world with beautiful starry sky.

There are Mount Cook in New Zealand, Mauna Kea in Hawaii, etc. Let's go to see the most beautiful starry sky in the world!

1. Winkelmusham, Germany

Winkelmusham is located in the Alps in southeastern Bavaria, very close to the Austrian town of Salzburg. The views of the Alps are amazing at any time of the year, and according to the International Astronomical Union, Winkmusham's location means the skies here are particularly dark, making it more suitable for stargazing.

2. Rocky Mountain National Park, USA

Rocky Mountain National Park is located in Colorado, USA, and when the sun goes down, the beauty does not disappear. Stargazing in Rocky Mountain National Park at night is a wonderful experience that you will surely cherish.

3. Mauna Kea, USA

Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano, where many observatories are located. It is 4,207 meters above sea level and has a particularly dry climate. Mauna Kea is an ideal place for stargazing and astronomical observations. The visitor information station at the summit offers visitors publicly funded telescopes and volunteers to help you with the viewing experience. It is also the only place in the United States where you can see the Southern Cross.

4. Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park is located in the Himalayas of Nepal, on the southern slope of Mount Everest. It is a famous tourist destination in Nepal.

The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a favorite spot for astronomy enthusiasts. When night comes, tourists can enjoy the beautiful view of the Milky Way over the Himalayas. If you stay overnight, you will see the night show here.

5. De Bosplatt, The Netherlands

De Bosplatte is a nature reserve recognized by the European Council, and the best stargazing location here is in the eastern part of Tecilin Island, which is very convenient. The public has unlimited access to the park at any time, and there are eight designated stargazing spots to choose from.

The starry sky attracts human beings because of its dreamy and romantic beauty.