Pumpkin is rich in carbohydrates, protein, fat, and also rich in carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and other nutrients. It is very nutritious and has high edible value.Pumpkin can be juiced to drink, combined with other ingredients, it is rich and comprehensive.

Pumpkin juice is freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. The production method is as follows. Wash and peel the pumpkin, shred it, put water in the pot and cook it together, cook until the pumpkin is soft. If it is lumpy, crush it with a spoon, then put some sugar, and put it in a bottle when it is cold. Of course You can also drink it directly from a bowl.

In addition to the above practices, pumpkin can also be juiced with corn to make a delicious pumpkin corn juice. Corn is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially the content of linoleic acid is as high as 60%. It works synergistically with vitamin E in corn germ to reduce blood cholesterol concentration and prevent it from depositing on the blood vessel wall. Vitamin E can also promote human cell division and delay aging.

The production of pumpkin corn juice is as follows. First, clean all the ingredients, cut the corn with a knife, cut the pumpkin into cubes, put it into a soybean milk machine with corn juice function, and add about 800ML of water. After that, start the corn juice function. After juicing is completed, filter it with a filter, pour in milk and an appropriate amount of white sugar to make a light sweetness.

Finally, it can also be made into pumpkin carrot juice. Prepare pumpkins, carrots, and the right amount of refined salt. Wash the pumpkin and carrots, cut them into small pieces, add an appropriate amount of cold boiled water, put them into a juicer and blend them into a puree, filter and squeeze out the juice, and pour it into a cup. Add salt to the cup and mix thoroughly. Drink as a drink. hypoglycemic.