Personality and Appearance: The Relationship Between a Person or Cat's Features and Fate.

A person's features, face shape, and body shape can reflect their personality, which in turn can have an impact on their fate.

Similarly, the faces of different cats can also reveal various character traits.

It is essential to choose the right cat with a suitable face shape, as it can determine their behavior and compatibility with their owner.

Arden Moore, a pet behaviorist in California, published "Fit Cat: Tips & Tricks to Give Your Pet a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life," in which he notes that the geometric shape of a cat's face is a good indication of their personality, much like that of a human.

There are three main types of cat face shapes: square, round, and triangular, each with unique traits.

1. Square face type

People with square faces are believed to be intelligent and assertive, with a clear sense of right and wrong.

They are hard-working, decisive, and possess strong leadership qualities.

Similarly, cats with square faces, such as Maine Coons, Turkish Van, and Angora cats, are known for their honesty, confidence, and independent nature.

They make great leaders and organizers, and they are also loyal companions who enjoy spending time with their owners.

2. Round face type

People with round faces tend to be warm and generous, with a mild temperament and a compassionate nature.

They are friendly but sometimes have difficulty saying no.

Round-faced cats, such as British Shorthairs, American Shorthairs, and Exotic Shorthairs, are known for their laziness and love of food.

They may be timid and require more playtime and exercise to avoid becoming obese.

3. Triangular face type

People with triangular faces are often artistic and sensitive, with a strong sense of perfectionism.

They are perceptive and can easily sense changes in their environment.

Similarly, cats with triangular faces, such as Siamese and Sphinx cats, are known for their dramatic personalities, wit, and curiosity.

They love attention and require constant affection, often becoming jealous if they feel neglected. They are highly social and may suffer from depression if separated from their owners for too long.

The face shape of a cat, or even a person, can provide valuable insights into their personality traits and tendencies.

It is essential to choose a cat with a compatible face shape that aligns with your lifestyle and personality.

The right match can lead to a happy, healthy, and fulfilling relationship between owner and pet, while a mismatch may result in frustration and disappointment.

So, choose wisely!