Tigers are large cats of the mammalian class. Known as the "King of beasts".

Tiger is a typical mountain forest-dwelling animal, from tropical rain forests and evergreen broad-leaved forests in the south to deciduous broad-leaved forests and mixed coniferous broad-leaved forests in the north can live well.

Tigers are solitary and males and females live together only during the breeding season. No fixed nest, mostly wandering in the mountains for food. Tigers have more activity at dusk, and more dormant rest during the day.

Tigers don't like hot weather because they lack sweat glands. When summer comes, they always seek shelter in the shade. Because of their excellent swimming skills, they are also very fond of swimming.

Tigers in hot areas especially like to bathe in pools and play. But they can't climb trees as well as they can swim, probably because of their size and weight.

The tiger's best attack weapons are strong teeth and retractable claws. The hunt is ferocious, swift, and decisive. Use the least amount of energy to get as much as possible. Tigers have no natural predators in Asia.

As a result of the feet having a very thick pad of flesh, the tiger in action sound very small. When it walks in the snow, its back foot can step exactly on the tracks of its front foot.

When a tiger meets its prey, it will crouch low and seek cover, creeping in slowly. When the prey is within striking distance, it suddenly leaps out and attacks the back. This is to avoid being hurt by the prey fighting back.

The tiger would Pierce the back of its prey with its claws and drag it to the ground, then close its sharp canine teeth around its throat and suffocate it until the prey was dead.

This type of attack is also typical of felines. The tiger's special attack, which is more common among big cats, is to break the spine of its opponent.

A tiger is distinguished by its fur. They can hide well in the grass from the prey, have yellow irises, and can see six times better at night than humans.

Tigers have keen hearing and are very sensitive to high frequencies of sound. In the wild, in the forest, tigers can hear calls from two kilometers away.

Some people say that tigers and lions are very similar, but they are not identical:

1. Different personalities.

Tiger temperament is very solitary like to be alone. When the tigers are young, this aspect is not apparent, but when the cubs become adults, they will separate themselves from their mother and mark territory.

2. Different habitats.

The lion lives on the grassland, while the tiger lives in the forest. On the grassland, lions have many powerful opponents, such as hyenas, wild dogs, and so on.

A single lion cannot compete with them, but a group of lions united can defeat them. In the forest, few carnivores except wolves live in packs, and a single tiger is a formidable fighter, capable of defeating almost any animal it encounters.

3. Hunting varies in difficulty.

On the grassland, where the grass is low and not conducive to hiding, it is easier for prey to spot the lion and escape. But in the forest, where it's better to be hidden, tigers can lie in wait until their prey is close enough to strike.

By some estimates, the success rate of individual lion hunts is slightly lower than that of tigers (the success rate of group lion hunts is several times higher). The tiger's favorite prey are deer, wild sheep, and so on.