The Maine cat is a very special kind of cat that is much larger than other cats.

Despite its robust body, the Maine cat's personality lacks very docile and is very pleasing to the eye.

With an average lifespan of about 15 years, an average weight of up to 10-20 kg, and a body length of up to about 120 cm, Maine cats are unique and unforgettable for their huge size.

Learn how to raise them.


1. Meat: Although the cat's diet should be meat-based, feeding the cat only meat food will lead to an uneven intake of minerals and vitamins, which in turn will cause serious disorders of bone metabolism.

2. Animal liver: Some cats love animal liver and refuse to eat other foods.

Animal liver contains a large amount of vitamin A, but excessive intake of vitamin A can lead to muscle stiffness, neck pain, bone, and joint deformation, and liver disease.

3. High-fat foods: If the cat's diet contains a lot of high-fat fish or fatty meat that is not fresh.

It will lead to insufficient intake of vitamin E, which in turn will cause inflammation and extreme pain in the cat's body fat.

4. Raw fish: Some raw fish contains enzymes that can destroy vitamin B1, and vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to neurological disease in cats, which can be fatal in severe cases.

5. Dog food: The nutrients in dog food and cat food are not the same, and the nutrients in dog food are not able to meet the needs of cats.

Although both dogs and cats are carnivores, dogs do not have as great a need for nutrition as cats.

6. Cod liver oil: Special care should be taken when supplementing cats with additional vitamins and minerals.

Excessive consumption of cod liver oil can lead to excessive intake of vitamin A and vitamin D, which in turn can cause bone disease.


Maine cats have long coats that require frequent grooming to prevent tangling.

It is best to groom at a regular time and with regularity, at least once a week and at the same time each time.

Adjust your cat's mood and wait for him to relax before grooming.

If he is resistant, make sure not to force him.

Grooming method and steps.

1. First, use a metal comb to open the tangled hair and watch for flea-infected black spots while combing.

The black spots are flea droppings, so remove them carefully.

2. Comb in the direction of hair growth.

Be gentle so as not to hurt the cat.

3. After brushing, there will be shed hair stuck to the fur, so brush it away with a rubber brush.

4. In caring for the gloss of the coat, apply a few drops of coat protector every few weeks to help remove grease and restore the color and luster of the cat's coat.

5. Regular petting and adhering to a healthy diet will also make the coat shiny.