Lemon juice is the juice obtained by squeezing fresh lemons, with a strong sour taste, accompanied by a touch of bitterness and fragrance. Lemon juice contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Lemon juice is a common drink and a top-grade condiment. It is often used in the production of Western dishes and pastries. It can remove the fishy smell and the peculiar smell of the food itself, including the fishy smell of meat, seafood, egg, etc. The astringency of mushrooms and the taste of onions, etc. Such as: when cooking red cabbage, add a spoonful of lemon juice to make the dish red. Adding a little lemon juice when cooking shrimp can remove the fishy smell and taste better. Adding a few drops of lemon juice to cooking oil can remove the smell of cooking oil, especially the fishy smell in the oil of fried fish. Add a little lemon juice to strong-smelling vegetables, such as onions, to reduce the odor.

In addition, when making cakes, adding a little lemon juice to the egg whites will not only make the egg whites look particularly white, but also make the cake easy to cut. Flavoring jams There are many ways to flavor jams, the easiest is to add some lemon zest while cooking the jam.

To make a glass of lemon juice, we can do the following. First of all, we have to prepare the required materials, lemon, honey and a proper amount of tea. Put the tea leaves into a teacup and add boiling water to brew. After about a minute, pour out the tea water, then add boiling water to steep, and let it cool or warm.

Then use a knife to cut the lemon into even the blade, that is, cut to three-fifths when slicing, do not cut the last knife to cut.After cutting, put the lemons into another pot, add honey, pour in the black tea and stir well with chopsticks. Squeeze the lemons while stirring to make the aroma of the lemons more intense. A cup of delicious lemon juice is ready.

Lemon juice is an artifact to relieve the heat in summer. After you make it, you can put it in the refrigerator for a while before taking it out for drinking. The flavor is even better.