Berry pancakes are a delicious snack, and many people like to enjoy this sweet treat. This is because after eating sweets, the body will secrete a certain amount of dopamine and adrenaline. These two hormones will stimulate the body and cause a feeling of good mood.

To make delicious berry pancakes, you need these ingredients: 350 grams of pancake mix, the right amount of cream, and the right amount of berries.

First, thaw the oatmeal, open the pancake powder bottle when you start to fry, pour in suitable water, and shake it desperately for about one to two minutes. Next, heat a pan and pour in an appropriate amount of pancake powder. Fry one side and flip and fry the other side until golden brown on both sides. One just squeeze cream on a small pancake and top with oatmeal. The other can be squeezed with cream and put on oatmeal and topped with a small pancake.

In addition to berry pancakes, everyone loves cream cakes. Cream cake is a sweet-flavored dessert made with egg cream. It is a pastry product in which cream is applied to the surface of the cake, which highlights the rich milky flavor and the softness of the cake. Cream cakes are fluffy, sweet, nutritious and easy to digest. If you want to make a sponge cake that is soft in the mouth, look at the method of stirring and foaming the cake. If there are many bubbles, you must make it quickly before the bubbles disappear. Therefore, the ingredients are mixed in a cut manner. The cleaning of the container or whisk is also very important, as the egg will not be able to make air bubbles when the utensils contain grease.

Consuming sweets like pancakes and cakes in moderation is good for health, but long-term consumption in large quantities will cause many hazards. The sugar in sweets promotes the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth, especially if children cannot brush their teeth in time, causing tooth decay. Eating too many sweets increases the burden on the pancreas, and is in a state of high blood sugar for a long time, which makes the internal environment of the body unbalanced.