Nature is amazing, and there are countless species in nature. Each species has its own characteristics, which is exactly what it constitutes this magical world. Although we often express our hearts by giving flowers, we still know less about plants.

There are many colors of flowers. Do you know why? Today we will talk to you about the secrets of flower color.

First of all, we need to know why the flowers have color. That's because the cell liquid of the petals contains anthocyanins and carotene and other substances.

Anthocyanins are the main color-rendering substances of plant petals. Fruit and flowers have colorful colors. They are mostly related to anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are water-soluble substances. With the change of cell liquid acidity, its color will change accordingly.

The genomes of different plant species are different. This determines that they will synthesize different types, contents, and proportions of pigment molecules, so they show different colors.

It is precise because of carotene and anthocyanins that these flowers can be more beautiful so that more flowers have their unique colors.

Why do flowers need a variety of colors? From the perspective of evolution, the colorful color of flowers is mainly the natural selection result of plants and insects coexisting for a long time, and the protection of plants themselves.

Animals such as insects and birds spread pollen when they eat nectar.

So instead of relying on wind and water, plants spread to relying on insects and birds. So what are the interactions between flowering plants and animal pollinators? One effect may be the co-evolution of plant color and animal pollinator body color.

Animal pollinators randomly encounter or select plant flowers to feed on, and some pollinators tend to feed on flowers that are closer to the color of their own bodies. This effectively reduces the risk of being attacked by predators, and these pollinator groups survive and remain relatively easy.

But it is annoying that many flowers cannot keep blooming for a long time, and they will wither and fade for a long time. The simple and convenient methods below can help you retain the glamorous soul of the flowers and prolong their life.

Method 1: Pruning the angle of the branches and stems: Use a sharp tools to trim the tail of the branches and stems at an angle of 45 degrees. Seemingly inconspicuous movements can enhance the water absorption of the flower stems. The effect of trimming before putting flowers in water will be better.

But for more sensitive flowers, such as roses, you better trim the branches underwater. Rose is easily affected by bacteria because many bacteria are hidden in the air, which will cause roses to fade rapidly.

Method 2: Remove the leaves of the flower. In order to maintain the life of flowers, the leaves that fall on the water must be picked up. Flowers and leaves falling on the water are easy to rot. Once the leaves are rotten, this provides nutrients for bacteria, which will cause other parts of the flowers to be infected by bacteria.

Method 3: Change the water frequently. In order to keep the flowers lively, change the water once a day. And don't forget to take all the leaves before changing the water.