Every autumn, when the weather turns cooler, it is recommended that everyone eat a bowl of porridge for breakfast. Warm porridge can drive away the chill in the morning and increase the body's ability to resist the cold.

Eating porridge in the morning can also help the elderly and children better digest and absorb, and strengthen the spleen and stomach.

There are so many people who have a poor appetite in the morning. You can try eating some porridge in the morning to increase your appetite. Porridge can also add water to the stomach and prevent constipation.

This article will share 5 types of multigrain porridge. Whole grains are rich in vitamin B, which can clear the intestines and detoxify, moisturize the skin and promote digestion, etc.

Whole grains also have a strong sense of satiety, which means that using whole grains to cook porridge can also help you lose weight.

1. Mung bean lily porridge

Mung bean lily porridge is made from mung beans, red rice, rice, sago, lily, and pumpkin seeds.

Now that the heat has not completely faded away, mung bean can clear heat and detoxify, clean up the stomach and intestines; lily can clear the fire and moisten the lungs, soothe the nerves and help sleep.

This porridge contains sago, which is very al dente, which can enrich the taste of this porridge and make it more pleasant to eat.

2. Five Black Porridge

Five Black Porridge uses many black ingredients, such as rye kernels, black rice, black glutinous rice, black kidney beans, black corn dregs, black peanut kernels, glutinous rice, sorghum rice, wheat kernels, etc.

These ingredients contain a variety of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. After taking them properly, they have a very good nourishing and healthcare effect on the kidney function in the human body.

Although the ingredients are black, when the porridge is finished, it will turn red and taste soft and smooth. In winter, you can cook more Five Black Porridge to help keep out the cold and warm up.

3. Purple Potato and Black Rice Porridge

Purple potato and black rice porridge use purple potato, black rice, glutinous rice, red beans, peanut kernels, red lentils, lotus seeds, lily, and kidney beans.

Many people prefer this porridge, perhaps because it has purple potatoes, black rice, and glutinous rice, which has a slightly sweet taste. The glutinous rice makes this porridge taste soft and glutinous.

4. Red rice millet porridge

The red rice millet porridge uses millet, black millet, red rice, and rice. The taste of this porridge is relatively light and fragrant. Millet is an inexpensive tonic that promotes digestion and regulates sleep.

This porridge is recommended to be thicker. You can cook it according to the ratio of ingredients and water 1:8. Of course, if you don't like it so thick, you can cook it according to the ingredients 1:10 or 1:12.

5. Eight Treasures Porridge

Eight-treasure porridge is very popular in Asian countries. Eight Treasure Porridge is boiled with red dates, lotus seeds, red beans, peanuts, black rice, sorghum rice, kidney beans, and glutinous rice.

The ingredients for making eight-treasure porridge can be adjusted according to the season. For example, in autumn and winter, red dates, red beans, and other ingredients can be added more. They can help you activate blood and warm your stomach.