Nigeria's deadliest floods in a decade, triggered by heavy rainfall, have killed more than 600 people and displaced 1.3 million since June, according to the latest statistics.

According to reports, many parts of the African country have been ravaged by floods after the rainy season began. This has led to fears of food security and increased inflation.

The Nigerian Humanitarian Affairs Department tweeted on the 16th: "Unfortunately, more than 603 people lost their lives." The death toll has increased by 100 in a week. The floods also injured 2,400 people.

The report pointed out that the country's humanitarian affairs department pointed out that the reason for the sharp rise in the death toll was that many states in Nigeria were not prepared for such a large amount of rain.

The rainy season generally begins in June but floods become deadly mainly in August.

Heavy rains are also expected in Nigeria in the coming weeks, raising fears of more damage. The country's humanitarian affairs department called for the evacuation of people living along the river.