Wildlife is not the same as the animals we see everyday. Wildlife has lived in nature for a long time, and maintains the wildness of the animal itself, which is different from domestic animals. Wildlife is an important part of the earth's biological chain that can maintain ecological balance and protect the ecological environment around them, so we should protect wildlife.

Wildlife is a valuable resource of nature, which is worthy of respect and care. Wildlife has its value for ornamental, research and utilization for humans, but this must be based on effective protection of wild animals. Wildlife has an irreplaceable effect on maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

Relevant reports pointed out that from 1970 to 2014, the number of fish, crawled animals, and birds fell rapidly. The World Nature Foundation pointed out in the article "Earth Hitness Report 2018": Species have been polluted by the environment, changes in climate, and other human factors, which has caused wild animals to decrease sharply in the past 40 years.

Researchers have found that 90 % of the sea birds have eaten plastic by mistake. The destruction of human beings has seriously affected the living environment of wild animals. In order to obtain ivory, some humans secretly arrested elephants in Tanzania, which reduced the number of elephants within five years. In order to obtain palm oil, some people cut the forest on the island of Kaliman, causing nearly 100,000 orangutan to disappear. Over the past few decades, nearly half of the world's corals have disappeared in people's vision.

The protection of wild animals is to protect their natural environment first. Various social activities of human beings affect all stages of biological survival, such as agricultural development and over fishing, which may indirectly destroy their living environment. According to the research of biologists, they said that some rare wild animals are gradually moving towards extinction. These are also related to our human social activities, bringing some irreversible losses to our nature. Therefore, in daily life, we must protect the wild animals well, protect our common homeland, and give wild animals a sense of security and belonging for nature.

The fundamental measure of protecting endangered animals is to protect their habitats, and the main way to protect habitats is to establish a nature reserve. By establishing a nature reserve, it can not only protect endangered animals and their habitats, but also make other types of wild animals and plants well protected.

In the past, humans lacked protection of nature, and now we should love nature even more. The creatures on the earth developed from a single -cell to a multi -cell creature. Whether living in the ocean or land, they finally formed a rich biosphere. So we should also care for nature and protect species.